From the Contacts section of the webmail tool, you can store contact details, add Contact Lists and share them with others. Only a name is required to create a contact, or you can create detailed contact forms that include full name, multiple email addresses, work / home / other addresses, phone numbers, an image, and so forth. You can also create Contact Groups (otherwise known as distribution lists). The Emailed Contacts list is populated automatically when you send an email to a new address that is not in one of your other address books.
We have included step-by-step instructions below on tackling the most common webmail Contact tasks (see them listed directly to the right). Click on a feature description (e.g., Adding a New Contact) and it will allow you to jump to specific instructions below. Then, click the browser back button to return to the top of the page.
Adding a new Contact
Step 1. Go to the Contacts tab and select New Contact

Step 2. Enter the contact information and optionally upload a photo. A plus sign next to a text box indicates that you can add more than one entry. For instance, in the Phone text box, you can add mobile, home, work, and other phone numbers.

Step 3. Click Save
How to Add a New Contact from an Existing Email Message
You can add email addresses to a Contact List directly from the Sent By, To, Cc, and Bcc fields.
Step 1. In an email message, left-click the name to add and choose Edit Contact. A new contact form opens with auto-populated information available from the email header.

Step 2. Add additional information and check the auto-populated fields for accuracy
Step 3. Click Save
Automatically Added Contacts from Your Emailed Contacts List
You will automatically save the Contacts that you send email to in your Emailed Contacts list. Any time you respond to, or compose a message that includes a Contact that is not in your Contacts list, it is added to your Emailed Contacts list. If you are using the auto-complete feature, maintaining an Emailed Contacts list helps you quickly find addresses that you have emailed to in the past.
How to View Contacts in your Contact Lists
Step 1. Go to the Contacts page and select the Contact List you want to view. The content pane updates with the Contact List content.
Step 2. Check to see if an Email Address is in your Contact List.
Hover your mouse over an email address. The information associated with the name displays.
If the name is already in one of your lists, the contact information displays
- If the name is not in one of your lists, only the email address displays
How to Move a Contact to Another Contact List
You can move contacts from one contact list to another.
Step 1. Go to the Contacts tab and select the list from which you want to move a contact
Step 2. Click aand drag a contact to move it into a different List
How to Edit Contact Information
Step 1. Go to the Contacts tab and select the list that contains the contact.
Step 2. Right-click the contact you want to edit and click Edit Datails

Step 3. Make changes to the contact
Step 4. Click Save
How to Print a Contact Name
You can print a complete the information for one contact.
Step 1. Go to the Contacts page and select a contact to print
Step 2. Click the three dots and select Print.
How to Delete a Contact
Any contact lists and names you create can be deleted. Contacts can be deleted in one of three ways:
Step 1. ​Select the contact to be removed, and click Delete on the toolbar
Step 2. Drag the contact name to the Trash folder
Step 3. Left-click on the contact and select Delete
How to Import a Contact List
You can import contact lists that are saved in a comma-separated (.csv) file. After the contacts are imported, they are alphabetized by last name.
Step 1. Go to the Contacts tab and select the list from which you would like to import contacts.
Step 2. Right click and select Import...

Step 3. Select the file you would like to import.
Step 4. Click Import. Depending on the size of the .csv file, the import might take a few minutes. When the import is complete, the Status Box shows the

How to Export a Contact List
You can export your Contacts to a a few different formats.
Step 1. Go to the Contacts tab and select the list from which you would like to import contacts.
Step 2. Right click and select Export...

Step 3. Select the Export type based on the application you are exporting to. If not sure, export as Microsoft Outlook CSV.

Step 4. Click Export Now